Sport on top

Sports Floor Renovation

Upgrade of your sports floor

This sports floor renovation offers you the possibility to upgrade the current sports-related properties of your floor at a significantly lower cost than if you were to completely replace your current sports floor.

What does Sport on Top mean?
With this type of renovation, a completely new sports floor is applied to your old sports floor without having to remove the old floor! It is possible to upgrade your floor to a higher class by using the technical properties of the actual sports floor. You only invest in the new part of the system, with a 100% return when it comes to the sports-related properties. Ask our Herculan consultants about the practical possibilities of this.

How is a Sport on Top performed?
We determine the adhesion of the actual sports floor with the substrate in advance. Mechanical damage is repaired if necessary. The desired sports floor is then installed, taking into account the type of sports floor on which the upgrade is being performed.